Monday, May 9, 2011

On the way!

Yes! Next month we should be in Afghanistan. Who knows what day we'll arrive but the day is slowly approaching. Although I would love to say time flies, time has not flown for me here at CAIN (Camp Atterbury, IN). Last night, I wasn't able to finish the entire post I wanted to blog but I'm here again less than 24 hours later to continue and show you the rest of the images I have taken recently. Well as a little summary of some of the training, we did Gunnery Skills Training a few days ago. It consisted of live rounds being shot downrange after identifying targets. The gunners practiced their communicating skills with the truck commander so identify a target and engage if need be. Here are a few shots from it...

SSgt Wishnewski AKA Sgt Wish aims downrange during an exercise

Preparing for their time to shine

Rounds and more rounds!

SSgt Hines and his weapon.

The commander taking shots while I'm taking shots. Just 2
different types of shots.

Sgt Wish once again. I'm normally in his vehicle so he's lucky to
have pictures being taken of him all the time

This is the nicest sky we have ever had on Camp Atterbury. I'm serious!

Lt Riley waiting for his turn to go. And no this was NOT posed.

Didn't I say Sgt Wish get many photos taken of him. I forgot to mention,
there are no showers out in the field.

This would be Cpl Bregel running the squad during an exercise.
This week we have a busy schedule. We will be lacking sleep and getting trained intensely. Of course we do it the safe way but I'm sure there will be many tired 'warriors' as we get called here. I won't spill what we have coming up but just know that it 'should' be a packed week. Reason I say 'should' is because things like to change around here. and you just never know!

Now for this next photo, I'd like to say that carrying a camera on your can be good. I mean having it on you at all times. I try to carry it with me about 75% of the time. The other 25% is because I'm either at the gym, in the shower, or in some sort of training I have to FULLY participate in but it's normally still in my bag ready to shoot.

I try to tell people that I shoot more than all the infantrymen put together. Then I remind them I shoot with my camera. But It's TRUE! ok ok Enough with the jokes. I got one last pic for y'all. I thought it was hilarious!

This is Lt Riley. You GOT to admit. This is hilarious!
 Alright folks. I kept my promise of posting tonight like I said I would in yesterday's post. There are some more photos for you all to enjoy. Also, to my team, feel free to send the link to any friends and family you want if whether you are on here or not. I will be updating this throughout the deployment so basically a whole year. You can 'follow' the blog or check it periodically. Till the next post....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Grovert, I love your blog and pictures. My favorites are the group shots and the ones of Lt Riley. Lt Riley is my brother and it's great to keep tabs on him through your blog. Please give him my love if you have the time. Thanks for sharing...
